The Standards-Based IEP professional development program is designed to provide a broad scope of information about how to write best-practice IEPs that are coherently and intentionally structured, as well as deeply entrenched in positively-designed behavior strategies and evidence-based practices. 

Some of the specifics around the program include:

  • Designing effective data considerations that are student centered and maintain compliance with current Delaware DOE specifications, including providing practice incorporating multiple data sources to identify key student strengths, design effective Impact Statements, and determine Other Factors
  • Interpreting and evaluating appropriate Unique Educational Needs and Characteristics
  • Using Present Levels of Educational Performance to write Annual Goals and Objectives that reflect appropriate levels of progress 

Additionally, the ACCESS Project works collaboratively with the PBS Project to provide paired trainings of Standards-Based IEPs (W.R.I.T.E.S.) and “The ABC’s of IEPs” into a comprehensive combination presentation that addresses both the behavioral and academic components of IEP writing. 


State wide Five-Year Delaware State Personnel Development Grant

After an IEP review through the Delaware Rubric, Schools were Tiered according to needs. Tier one received Professional development and intense coaching until samples met expectations. Tier two received professional development and coaching. Tier Three received professional development


Students with special education services will have IEPs that are data-driven and standards-based, enabling them to access the same educational content as, and alongside, their peers without disabilities. 


After 2 years of implementation, 80% of participating schools will achieve fidelity of intervention in implementing standards based IEPs.   -U.S. Department of Education Grant Performance Report (ED 524B)


– “to ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living”

– “providing such services to children with disabilities, that promote academic achievement and improve results for children with disabilities through… improving the alignment, compatibility, and development of valid and reliable assessments and alternate assessments for assessing adequate yearly progress, as described under section”